What is High 5 Speech Therapy?
About Emily
High 5 in the Press
Therapy Services
Speech & Language Therapy
Feeding Therapy
Summer Buddies & Lunch Buddies: Therapy Groups & Camps
Free Daycare & Preschool Screening Program
COVID-19 and Therapy
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Contact + Locations
What is High 5 Speech Therapy?
About Emily
High 5 in the Press
Therapy Services
Speech & Language Therapy
Feeding Therapy
Summer Buddies & Lunch Buddies: Therapy Groups & Camps
Free Daycare & Preschool Screening Program
COVID-19 and Therapy
Get Started
Contact + Locations
Class Registration: private class
Registration Form Directions:
Please complete this form, then click "continue" below to select your class and add it to your shopping cart. You will then need to checkout and pay. If you prefer to send a check or pay by cash, that is no problem - please complete this form, click "continue" so that the form is submitted, then contact Emily at 616-366-4231 or emily (at) high5cr.com to make payment arrangements.
If you are enrolling more than 1 child in the same class, please 1) fill out this form for Child 1, click "continue" to add your desired class to your cart then 2) navigate back to this page to add Child 2, click "continue" then select "Add 2nd Child to Class."
Indicates required field
Child's Name
Child's Age at Time of First Class
Child's Gender
Who will be bringing the child to the class? Include name and relationship (e.g. mother, father, grandmother, nanny, etc.). Attendance for up to 2 adults is included in your registration fee.
First and last name(s) of any parent/caregiver that will be attending the class (each registered child is allowed to have up to 2 caregivers present at the class)
Name of parent/guardian who is main contact
[object Object]
Phone Number
Verify Phone Number
Email Address
Verify Email Address
If I need to notify you of a class cancelation (e.g. weather, teacher illness) on short notice, how should I contact you?
Phone Call
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
PRIVATE CLASS: Fun Foundations Grand Rapids, Fridays 12:00, Dec 1-Jan 26
PRIVATE CLASS: Fun Foundations Grand Rapids, Fridays 10:00, Jan 12-Mar 2
How did you hear about the class?
Google Search
Other Search Engine Search
Newspaper Article
WoodTV Story
Family Member or Friend
If you heard about the class from another source or from a friend or family member, who should we thank?
If it was a friend, please tell us WHICH friend so we can thank them!
Do you require wheelchair accessibility?
Do you have any concerns about your child's speech and/or language development? If yes, what are your concerns and is your child currently receiving speech/language therapy?
As a speech-language pathologist, I like to be aware of any concerns you may have about your child so that I can support in whatever way possible throughout the class. I will not address your concerns in front of other parents if you would prefer to keep your concerns private.
Is there anything else that I should know about you or your child?
Enrollment policies
Thank you for enrolling in a High 5 class! You are about to begin (or continue on) an awesome journey of wonder and discovery for you, your child and your whole family. I am confident that you will find the research-driven information and child-driven activities in our classes foundational in supporting your child’s development!
In an effort to create a rich learning environment and to provide families with the best programming possible, please note the following policies:
Private Class Pricing
The cost to offer private classes is completely dependent upon the number of people in your group that register. Pricing is as follows:
Tier 1 Pricing: $115 per family (5 or more families)
Tier 2 Pricing: $140 per family (4 families)
Tier 3 Pricing: $200 per family (3 families)
After you submit this form, you will be directed to pay for your class. The price correlates with the number of families in your group that have verbally committed to the class. However, if less people register for the class and your group's final number puts your pricing within a different tier, your group will have the choice of:
Canceling the class and everyone will receive a full refund minus a $15 cancellation fee.
Continuing with the class and registered families pay the higher Tier price. For example, if your group thought that 5 families would register (Tier 1 pricing at $115 per family), but only 4 families register (Tier 4 pricing at $140 per family), each family would be responsible for an additional $25 to run the class.
Withdrawal Requests
All classes run based on meeting minimum enrollment requirements (at least 4 families enrolled within 2 days of scheduled first class). If the minimum is not met, enrolled families will be contacted and refunded in full for registration fees.
Seven days before the first class, materials costs and space rental fees are paid. As such, High 5 appreciates your understanding that there are no exceptions to the following:
Withdrawal requests made 7 or more days before a session begins will receive a full refund minus a $15 cancellation fee
Withdrawal requests made less than 7 days before the first class of a session will receive a full credit good for 6 months or a full refund minus a $55 cancellation fee
No refunds or credits will be made after the first class.
No refunds or credits will be made for missed classes.
High 5 Communication Resources DOES NOT OFFER MAKE-UP CLASSES.
Classes are designed to include review elements each week. The instructor is often available 10 minutes before or after class to review any missed material from the week before. Please contact Emily to inquire about this if need be.
Inclement Weather
We make decisions regarding weather-related cancelations after checking with decisions made by area public schools (Hamilton, Saugutuck, Holland, Zeeland, Grand Rapids). If area schools are closed due to weather, High 5 will likely not be running classes that day. In the event of late openings due to weather, High 5 will use discretion in canceling classes and will contact participants in the event a class needs to be canceled with as much notification as possible, but no later than 8:30am on the day of the class. Participants will be contacted via the method chosen during registration.
Classes that are canceled due to inclement weather may be made up in another class. Please inquire with your class instructor for additional details in this occurrence.
Siblings & Additional Adults:
We allow up to two (2) adults to attend per family. Additional adults may participate for an additional fee, space permitting. Please check with Emily to determine if space permits.
Children 3 years and under (36 mos) are considered to be within the target age range for class. We offer a discounted registration rate of $55 for your second participating child who is under the age of 3 years (36 mos). Please make sure you complete
separate r
egistration forms for BOTH children on the class registration page, then select “Add 2nd Child to Class” for the 2nd child before continuing on to checkout.
Liability Waiver:
By registering for a class with High 5 Communication Resources, the parent and/or guardian agrees to:
Release High 5 Communication Resources, its owners, employees, instructors, volunteers and staff from all liability for injury to his/her child from his/her child’s participation in the class.
Allow High 5 Communication Resources to use class photographs and/or videos for promotional and teacher education purposes without compensation to his/her child or his/herself.
PARENT OR GUARDIAN: PLEASE TYPE FULL NAME to indicate that you have read and agree to the policies stated here.
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